2024-04-08 | New guestbook |
It's possible that no one but me realized, but the guestbook link has been dead for years. Somehow, my previous guestbook provider still exists, but not my account and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to find that part of their website. Thus, I decided to register a new one, which is now open for entries! |
2024-02-23 | A very late update! |
Wow, it's been almost twelve years since I updated my website!
My music can now be found either on my Youtube music channel or my Bandcamp page. All the songs that are on this website (plus all the ones I've recorded since) are uploaded to the Bandcamp page in CD quality or better. A bunch of newer songs, recorded in the past few years, are available as splitscreen videos on my Youtube music channel in 4K. Those are now the two main places to look out for new stuff at. The website will remain as a "museum" of sorts. |
2012-04-15 | Newish songs! |
I've added a new album called "Dissonance Ideas" with some songs I've written with my thrash metal project Dissonance in mind. |
2011-07-27 | New pictures and photo links! |
I've added pictures from High Voltage Festival this weekend and also added links to my photos and videos from concerts by their respective tickets in the "concertbrag" gallery! |
2011-07-21 | New pictures and old news! |
Some pictures from "The Big 4" in Gothenburg have been added in the "concertbrag" gallery. Also, I found my old site from circa 2000, there's now a link to the old "news" page if you're interested. |
2011-05-02 | New pictures! |
Some pictures of the new guitars have been added in the "instruments" gallery. |
2011-01-18 | New guitars! |
The "About" page has been updated after I sold some guitars and bought some new ones. A few broken links were also fixed. |
2010-11-25 | New pictures! |
Alot of new tickets, picks, photos with bands and signed items have been added to the "Concert Brag" album in the gallery. Also, a photo from my first ever live performance has been added to the "Playing" album. |
2010-07-26 | A new album has been added to the "Music" page! |
The album "New Storage", which contains songs & snippets from 2009 and 2010, has been added to the "Music" page, and three of the songs have been added to the music player! |
2007-08-08 | A music player has been added to the "Music" page! |
Since some people are too lazy even to download the .zip archive of Recommended Downloads, I've added an embedded music player to the music page, playing the same songs that are in the zip file! |
2007-04-02 | A "Recommended Download" .zip for lazy people has been added! |
Since some people are too lazy to download more than one song and discard an artists entire catalogue based on the track highest up on the page, I've created a .zip archive of Recommended Downloads for those too lazy to check out more than one song.Emil P.W.S Holmgren |
2007-04-02 | A new album, "Snarling Snippet Sauce" has been added! |
A brand new album, called "Snarling Snippet Sauce" has been added in the music section, so far containing three brand new tracks! |
2007-02-13 | New songs in the "Demo Mumbles" album! |
I've put up some songs in the "Demo Mumbles" album in the music section, recorded over the last couple of years! |
2006-08-29 | New instrument pictures! |
Some of the crappier instrument pics have been completed or replaced. |
2006-08-29 | New gallery! |
I've introduced a new section of the gallery; an "instruments" section, containing pics of my instruments. Some of the ones that are in there now aren't of the best quality, but they will do until I can take better ones. |
2006-07-30 | I am no longer in Chainsaw! |
My (now former) bandmates have, without even discussing the matter with me, decided that they'll do better off without me and even booked a gig without telling me. I'm very disappointed and quite convinced that they have just killed the best lineup Chainsaw will ever see. |
2006-02-17 | Updates all over! |
Actually, this isn't as bad as it looks! I have updated the site since june of last year, i just haven't been writing about it in here... Today, however, I've added pics and recent events to my personal musical history as well as added pics to all of the galleries! I'm not sure whether in the future I'll make a news page or not every time I add songs or add something to the bio, we'll see. 'Til next time, take care! |
2005-06-01 | About/Contact section finally done! |
Well, what do you know, it didn't take two more months to finish the about section. It took three. Now it's there in all its glory with personal info, email addresses and an equipment list complete with links to alot of the stuff I really like in my arsenal of gadgets. Again, if you feel there's something I've left out, drop me a line or post a note in the guestbook and I'll add it (if I feel it's relevant). Cheers! |
2005-03-13 | Biography Updated! |
I finally got the thumb out and translated my personal musical history! You can now read about just about all my musical endeavors since my birth to present day. If you're a friend of mine and feel I've left something out or forgotten something, feel free to drop me a line! Now all I have to do is fix the about section to contain contact info, stats and equipment listing. Let's hope that doesn't take 2 more months! |
2005-01-14 | A Guestbook! |
Finally, I've found a functional guestbook without annoying ads! Go ahead and sign the "Book To Absorb"!! |
2005-01-14 | New Gallery! |
Yeah, I know it says the same date as the last news post. Fact is though, that I put that news bit up during the night, and it's now 9 p.m. Like the headline says, I've put a new image gallery up (courtesy of BananAlbum) with galleries of my cats, me, my concert tickets and backstage passes and of me playing live. Enjoy! |
2005-01-14 |
New website!
Well, my new site is finally up. I haven't had one since 2001 (not one that's been updated since then, anyway...)
I've created this one because I realized that all my stuff on the web is scattered all over the place; My songs and bio were only available through Jamma.nu, my pics were only available through Helgon.net and equipment listing was only available on my old site (or in part on the Illusion site) So, here it is in all its (questionable) glory; my new site! |